Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Live Shows Part 3 and some other stuff...

Okay, here is part three.  I added some other observations at the bottom.
Here was Part 1
Here was Part 2

Wave 3

Acid Mothers Temple – October 18, 2024  Alchemy (1st time)
Interesting, 3 of my favorite shows of the year were at this venue.  There are many factors that add to seeing a show there.  Free and easy parking, not being too long of a drive (I did all three of these shows solo) and the ability to get as close as you can to the stage.  Like all other bands at least 2 members seem to be around the merch pre show, and all go there post show.  Acid Mothers Temple is a band that I have been chasing for YEARS.  They delivered such a sonic/psychedelic show.  My goodness, please come back.

Show Highlight(s): Just the fact these guys are such legends (to me) have killer merch and just were everything I hoped for.  I really hope they come back again.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: bandcamp page
Cool Clip: Pink Lady Lemonade


Slift  October 23, 2024  Brighton Music Hall  (1st time)
Keeping with the loud and psychedelic Slift blew the doors off the place.  What a great show.  The fact these guys really don’t engage the audience is kinda cool.  Odd how sometimes you want that, other times you don’t.

Show Highlight(s): Lions and Tigers and Bears
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: For a few weeks this session kept being fed to me on YouTube.  One day a clicked  So happy I did.


Sturgill Simpson November 24, 2024  MGM Music Hall 
Ummm yeah. 3hrs no encore, some crazy good covers.  Sturgill is an amazing guitarist.  Another “yeah this is a top 5 show of the year”.  He continues to grow on me and I am “getting” it more and more with each listen.  Immense talent that really can’t be missed

Show Highlight(s): The fact he played for over 3 hours just about non stop.  The “oddball” covers that seemed to work.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here 
Cool Clip: A few songs from the show I was at


Caspian November 29, 2024  Cabot Theater Beverly MA

Show Highlight(s): Treat every one of their shows as a gift.  So few bands compare to them live.  I did a review of the show you can check out
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: Someone recorded the whole show

The Jesus Lizard – December 13, 2024  Roadrunner Boston
If you were ever to take someone to a rock show that had never been to one, this would the band to see.  For me it’s what a rock show should be.  Loud, rowdy and just electric.  No frills, just four guys bringing the heat.  David Yow was in the audience from the opening notes and he returned a few times.  The band is tight and you get what you get.  If it was your first rock concert ever, you saw one for the ages.

Show Highlight(s):  David Yow with his quirky “Hello..insert wrong city here..” Also his efforts to continually connect with the audience.
Setlist that night: here
Artist Website: (label) website here
Cool Clip: Long friend BH from Ash Grey Proclamation recorded this

Random notes:
Weirdest show – Pentagram String Band  feel free to ask me about it.  I'd see them again, but it was a total whim for me.
Coolest Venue – A friends home for Honeysuckle

Legends I saw in 2024 – Rolling Stones (my first time) and Iron Maiden and I guess you can add Pearl Jam too.  All three were good, fun and entertaining.

I also need to toss in “Dead Letter Office” an REM tribute band that played at the Met in Pawtucket (8/17/24) 35 song set, no opener a short set break.  Just an absolute blast of a show and I realized how much REM music is and was a part of my musical identity.

There you have it.  Thanks for reading

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Monday, January 13, 2025

Live shows Part 2

 Part 2

Fantastic Cat – June 27 The Met Pawtucket RI (1st time)
I need to admit this is was of the top five shows of the year.  I had read about these guys, poked around a little and fell in love with their cover of Warren Zevon’s “Keep me in your Heart”.  They were so so fun, funny, and great to watch.  I got the cover too (and others).  They played again in MA a few weeks ago and I just couldn’t swing it.  I know I’ll kick myself, but this setting was so very perfect for this show.  Please watch/listen: Keep My In Your Heart and or Band on The Run.  Just the fact their debut album is called "The Very Best of Fantastic Cat" gives you an idea.

Show Highlight(s):The stage banter, their merch booth with a countdown clock to them being eligible for the Rock and Roll Hall of fame and of course that version of “Keep Me In Your Heart”
Set list that night here 
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip:  See the clips above.


The Atomic Bitchwax  Alchemy Providence(1st time)
Three guys. Orange Amps and no frills rock and roll.  Ripping show/set.  Favorite part of this show, with all due respect to the band, was not about what happened on stage.  The venue has a low stage and there was a Dad and his son.  The son was maybe 12?  He stood right front/center and RAGED the whole show.  He knew the words and was getting hi-fives from everyone.  He got a set list and picks.  Talk about memories being made and a fan for life.  They are killer live.  They basically did this set verbatim. It was released on physical media and is/was probably my most played cd when I was out in the convertible this summer.  Great “road rock”.

Show Highlight(s):  I think it will forever be the little kid.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website is here
Cool Clip:  Someone recorded the show!


Goose September 2, 2024  MGM Fenway
This band is just going to get bigger.  Mark my words.  Your kid brother/sister are gonna pass you on this one.  Get in while the getting’ is good.  They are a talented group of performers.
This is a clip from Philadelphia in June of 2024.  The track is Tumble  and it rules.  I had hoped they’d play if for us in Boston…and they did.  It too was awesome.  This is a song I’d send to anyone that is wondering what Goose is all about.  If you get a little impatient scroll to about the 16-minute mark, turn it up and sit back.  Seriously…either you are gonna get it, or you are not going to get it.  It’s okay if you don’t get it, but your wrong. (I kid)

Show Highlight(s): The fact they played Tumble and honestly, its about to get huge.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip:  Its above…


Peter Hook September 3, 2024  Paradise.
Saw him a few years ago in the same venue.  Knocked my socks off.  I mean who the hell needs New Order?  Performed both Joy Division AND New Order Substance albums IN FULL?  Screw the stand around New Order blokes and stick with this. 

Show Highlight(s): The fact he brings it, every single show.  Marches around the stage, tells stories and just is a pro.  So worth your time and money.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip:  Live version of Love Will Tear Us Apart that is spectacular


James/Johnny Marr October 10, 2024  Orpheum Theater.
Johnny Marr is like Peter Hook.  WHO NEEDS THE OTHER FOLKS?  Marr is going to give you a few Smiths tunes to tease you enough but he just seems to enjoy being up there performing.  James is such a crazy underrated band in the US both in studio and live.  It seems like its been ages since they’ve toured the US.  I’d see either of these bands on their own, but put em together and don’t skimp on set length…take my money.

Show Highlight(s): Although they didn't play together it was such as solid night of music.  Tim Booth in the audience, the trumpet player in the balcony.  Marr just dishing out those "riffs".  It was so worth the time.  Marr is fast becoming a "can't miss" show for me and James always has been.
Set list that night:  James and Marr
Artist Websites: James  Johnny Marr 
Cool Clip:  My buddy Steve recorded a few of the tunes from both, check out one clip and you can view others.  Here is How Soon is Now

If you are curious Part 1

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Thursday, January 9, 2025

A record year of Live Shows. Part 1

I set a new record for myself….at the start of the year I never thought I’d hit FORTY TWO (42) live shows this year.  For some it pales in comparison, for others its 42 more than they saw..i realize that.

I saw a lot of diverse acts but decided to share my favorite shows of the year.  I might at the end disclose the top 2-3 here they are in order only based off the month/date they occurred.  The cool part…EIGHT of them were seeing them for the first time.

1. U2 at (the)Sphere in Las Vegas.  A few months before this show went down, I looked in to it and could have got tickets but then wrestled with the “who will go, who will spend this $$, who will travel etc”.  A few weeks later I got a text from my oldest brother with simply “Pack your bags and figure it out”.  It was spectacular.  What an “experience”.  I was hardly in Vegas (few on a Friday evening, in uber back to airport Sunday at 730am Vegas time).  A friend went a few weeks before I went and wrote the line that I’ve stolen since “I hope your favorite band plays there”.  If you get a chance to go, it really is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced live.  The videos etc. hardly do it justice.  Figure out a way, and go.

Show Highlight(s) – the whole experience really
Set list that night:here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip:With or Without You Live

2. The English Beat at the Met in Pawtucket April 4, 2024
I went to this show solo and stood at the side of the stage.  Very fun and tight band, Dave wearing loafers on stage just smiling ear to ear.  Hopefully we left an impression for them to come back.  Its always a walk down memory lane with them and its impossible to leave a show without having a smile on your face.
Show Highlight(s): Just the sheer joy of Dave's face really
Set list that night:here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: Fan shot live clip

3. The New Mastersounds at Sinclair April 10, 2024 (1st time)
I’ve been chasing this band for years it seems and finally saw them.  File them under can’t miss/won’t miss.  I knew I wanted to see them, glad I did and hopefully have fixed my missing em again issue.  Incredibly tight band. Fun to watch perform even though its not like they are bounding around the stage.  They find the groove, lock it down and get to it. 

Show Highlight(s): This was a bucket list show for me.  Meeting them in lobby was also a plus.
Set list that night:here
Artist Website:here
Cool Clip:

4. Swans at the Paradise May 14, 2024 (1st time)

It was a packed Paradise, and I was off to the side.  I had read and heard of their live shows.  Michael Gira does sit for the shows but don’t let that fool you with what assault your ears will then be released to/with.  Six songs, but over two hours of music.  Swans can be a challenging listen and at times it was, but I also left feeling I had seen something really special and that doesn’t happen a ton.

Show Highlights: really one of those things you need to experience.  In reading I am not alone with that thought.
Set list that night: here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: Full show from the Paradise

5. King Buffalo May 18, 2024 at the Middle East (Downstairs)

Huge huge HUGE fan of these guys.  They were part of a “festival” which kept their set to about 60 minutes, but they continue to be accessible to fans before and after the show.  I decided to brave it and head to about 3rd person off the stage for most of the show (being tall I always feel bad, I really do).  I moved back.

Show Highlight(s): They were part of a "Festival" and how casual they were just hanging out before, then giving a killer live set.
Set list that night:here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: Clip from the show

6. A Place to Bury Strangers -May 29th Alchemy Providence (1st time)

Ho-lee smokes.  This was an undersold show.  Terrible for a band to come back perhaps but a huge win for the few that showed up.  They have long been heralded as “New York City’s Loudest band”.  They were freaking loud. The the jam in the center of the room made the evening even more special.  I 100% want to see them again.

Show Highlight(s): The on the floor jam.
Set list that night:here
Artist Website: here
Cool Clip: a live show that is awesome

Part 2 is here

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