Wednesday, August 17, 2005


I love netflix. It allows you to rent almost anything you can imagine.
Last night I watched this documentary called Jandek on Corwood.
I read about this dvd a few months ago in a magazine and I just added it to
my queue. Finally it arrived at my house (gotta get thru dozens of other films).
The movie is about a musician simply named Jandek that has released over
30 records but had rarely been interviewed, never had performed live and was
never pictured. The "cult of Jandek" resulted in tribute records and tons of speculation on "who is Jandek". The only downside to the documentary is that it was recorded before he made his first live appearances. As the DVD crept up I "googled him" (that has to be a word now) and he played a few live shows and was going to be doing some more. The music is not for everyone. As many of the people said in the film it seems like he might be writing music of him and maybe one other person. If you get it, great but don't expect to get it. Still a fascinating watch.


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