Monday, August 8, 2005

Dress in black...but they'd like that..

I am on AOL with my brothers step daughter and she asks me "what happened to the local newbury comics". What do you mean I say. Its gone..closed. Ha..some joke. I go to their site ( and my town no longer has a store. What the HELL?! I was only on vaction for a week?! How can they possibly be closed?! Every time I went in there it was packed. I always bought at LEAST 2 cds per visit (some law I think). A message has been sent to corporate!! damn it..gimme back my record store. No I can't and will not go to Walmart. Do you think they'd have Clap Your Hands Say Yeah?!

Anyone that knows me knows how hard this hits me. A boot to the face, a paper cut w/salt poured on it the new Creed cd put on repeat and me forced to listen to it. I have no idea. I feel like its a girlfriend that just cheated on me..damn them.

The only good thing for me is now i'll have to "plan" to go to newbury comics..but that will result in a once a month visit at best and probably 100.00 a pop. Damn you..damn you DAMN YOU..

I know you are saying "It just a record store" but if you said that you ain't never been there.


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