Tuesday, June 2, 2009

In the News

A Los Angeles woman hired a stripper to pose as “her” for her 10th High School reunion. To pull it off she used an ear piece to the stripper to feed her information.

The $100 Million President Obama has ordered cut from his $3.5 trillion budget represents a reduction of 0.0029 percent. If a family with an income of $100,000 cut a comparable amount from its budget, it would spend $3.oo less over the course of a year. – The Christan Science Monitor

The Wall ST Journal was the only major US Newspaper to show circulation gains in the six months from October 2008 through March 2009, although it only grew by less than 1%. –The Associated Press

Sales of over the counter sleeping pills are soaring. Advil PM sales are up 16% during a four week period in March. Some say its because people are worried about the economy. –The New York Times

A New York court has ruled that golfers are not legally required to yell “fore”. A doctor recently lost an eye during a round of golf when a friend struck him with an errant shot. The victim sued saying he should have yelled “fore”. The court felt that getting his is an “inherent danger” to the game.

An 82 year old German called police to complain that someone was playing the same song over and over at all hours. The police checked, and it was one of those greeting cards that played music, that would open and close with the breeze from the window.

Researchers presented volunteers with five types of mashed up food, including pate, duck liver mousse, and dog food, and found that only three of the 18 were able to correctly distinguish the dog food from the others.

The fuel efficient Honda Accord was the best selling vehicle of any kind in the US in April surpassing the Ford F-150 pickup. Its is the first time since October 1991 that the Accord has been the top seller. – USA Today

Remember Joe the Plumber? Well he is leaving the Republican Party because it supports excessive party spending. Samuel Wurzelbacher said, however he opposes any cuts in defense, social security, medicare, or medicaid and noted that he keeps his kids away from “queers”.

More US Households have only cellphones - about 20% than landlines at about 17%. 60% still have both. – San Jose Mercury News

Between 50 and 100 million animals are used every year for scientific and cosmetic research. – The Economist

About 1 Million immigrants became US Citizens last year- the largest one-year surge in history. – LA Times

Over the past two decades, General Motors posted losses of $60 billion- more that its total profits amassed during the previous 80 years. – Financial Times

In 2006, there was not a single trading day when the Dow Jones industrial average rose of fell by 2% or more. In the first quarter of 2009 alone, there were 21 such days. –marketwatch.com

Florida prison officials are apologizing for using 50,000 volt stun guns on children on “Take your Sons and Daughters to Work Day”. It was reported 43 kids were stunned at three separate prisons, most with their parents permission.

11% of the US population between 35 and 44 are now living with their parents or in laws. –New York Times

The New York Yankees are charging $80.00 for a tablespoon of dirt from the old Yankee Stadium. The same dirt costs the Yankees about 4 cents a pound. –Bloomberg.com



At Tuesday, June 02, 2009 7:04:00 PM , Blogger Jenny G said...

The stripper thing is a good idea.

The pate thing doesn't surprise me...that stuff is nasty.

At Wednesday, June 03, 2009 8:50:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can totally see cell phones being the only phones people have. There are already way too many numbers out there, who needs a land line anymore anyways?

At Thursday, June 04, 2009 11:04:00 PM , Blogger Ello - Ellen Oh said...

Oh my gosh they stunned the kids?!!! That's horrible. And I'm a Yankees fan but WTF about the $80 for dirt?!!!!


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