Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Quick one...

I got a meeting in a few minutes but I wanted to share this little bit.

I was reading in ESPN the Magazine last night about Barry Bonds and the "doping" etc. They had a chart of all the stuff he was rumored to have taken. This one I had to share:

"Build Up" - 21.79 per unit.
Made of the liquefied livers of cattle grown in Argentina, where devotees believe that grass-feeding ensures livestock will be free from impurities. The image on the bottle shows a vein popping forearm.

So here I sit. Wondering that perhaps if I grind up a pencil, squirt some ink into it, mix with some white out, scrape some dust off my monitor and mix it all in day old coffee I'll come up with the highest of the highs.

Hey Jules..lets take these livers...and liquefy them, but use ONLY the livers from the cattle that eat grass.

how the heck to people figure this stuff out?! They must have read about it on the internet.


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